Research activity is mainly addressed to the development and the application of models and methods for the analysis and the design of passenger and freight transport systems at urban and extra-urban scale. He studies the problems connected to demand, supply and demand-supply interaction and land-use/environment-transport interaction models.
Since May 2024, he is Full Professor in Transportation (SSD ICAR/05 – Trasporti) at the Department of Enterprise Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata..
Since Jannuary 2015 to May 2024, he has been Associate Professori n Transportation (SSD ICAR/05 – Trasporti) at the Department of Enterprise Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
From October 2006 to January 2015, he has been Assistant Professor in Transportation (SSD ICAR/05 – Trasporti) at the Department of Enterprise Engineering of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
He is Specialty Chief Editor for Transportation Systems Modeling / Frontiers in Future Transportation (from August 2021).
He is Associate Editor for the international journals: European Transport Research Review (Springer; from 2023), Journal of Advanced Transportation (Hindawi; from 2020); Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE; from 2021), Transportation Engineering (Elsevier Ltd; from 2021) and International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Emerald Publishing; from 2023)
He is serving some international journals as academic/review editor: Frontiers in Future Transportation – Freight Transport and Logistics, Information, Sustainability (Section Sustainable Transportation).
He is Editorial Board Member of serveral international journals, among them Transport Management, Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Logistics and Supply Chain Management journals.
From 2021, he is the local coordinator of the E+ project “ASIASAFE – Modernisation, Development and Capacity Building of Master Curriculum in Traffic Safety in Asian Universities“.
From 2017, he is the international coordinator of the E+ project “SMALOG – Master in Transport and Logistics for Cities“.
In 2017 and 2019 he leaded the research team on “REgularity-driven BUS operations for medium-frequency services: optimal strategies and business model – REBUS”.
In 2015 and 2016 he leaded the research team on “Smart urban freight transport: planning and DYNAmic management of urban LOADing and unloading areas – DynaLOAD“.
From 2014 he is member of Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Freight Trannsport Modelling (WCTR SIG B5) and Applications of Travel Behaviour Analysis and Demand Modelling Approaches (WCTR SIG D3).
In October 2013 he has been elected member of Board of “Società Italiana Docenti di Trasporti (SIDT)” and served as Treasurer until November 2019.
Since 2010 he was member of “Collegio dei Docenti” of Ph.D. Course in Transportation Engineering and Logistics at “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria. Currently he is a member of “Collegio dei Docenti” of Ph.D, Course in Enterprise Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Since 2010 to 2014 he was member of the Transportation and Air Quality Committee (ADC20) of Transportation Research Board (TRB).
From 2010 to 2012 he participated at a research project (PRIN 2008) “Guidelines for city logistics plans editing“.
From January 2008 to March 2010 he participated at research project “Innovative solutions to freight distribution in the complex large urban area of Rome“, supported by Volvo Research and Educational Foundations.
From February 2008 to February 2009 he participated at research project “Interregional and national mobility of freight (medium-distance) with reference to freight transport, intermodality and territorial logistics“, supported by Italian Ministry of Transport).
From 2007 to 2009 he participated at a research project (PRIN 2007) “Guidelines for competitivity of Italian container ports in Euro-Mediterranean system“.
From March to September 2006 he was a researcher granter at Department of Civil Engineering of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
From January to December 2005 he was a research granter at Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronics and Transportation of “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria, and he participated at research project “Innovatory intermodal transport system based on the use of fast ship: land-sea system (loading/unloading and intermodality) SINAVE”.
In 2004 he participated at research project SESTANTE – INTERREG.
In 2004 he had Ph.D. in Transportation at “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria developing the research on “Urban Goods Movements: attraction and distribution models”, tutor prof. Francesco Russo.
From 2000 to 2002 he participated at a research project (PRIN 2002) “Guidelines for planning urban transit services“.
He collaborates with several research laboratories, as well as: LAST (Laboratorio di Analisi dei Sistemi di Trasporto at “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria) and CTL (Centro di ricerca per il Trasporto e la Logistica at “Sapienza” University of Rome).
He has been collaborating as referee/reviewer to many conferences and international journals.
He is authors than 150 papers in Transportation field.